One Bird

The Birds and the Birdcage
The birdcage used to be under the sky, exposed to wind, rain, and droppings from above. It has moved with me and now it stands on a balcony protected by a roof. The door is open. There is a bird perched just outside the door and one inside. Both have their wings raised in flight. The one outside is sure of herself. She has been exploring. She did not need anyone to go with her, and obstacles did not discourage her. Onward, onward. The other remains hesitant. She has a questioning look. One supposed slight by a friend and she is ready to retreat back into the cage, avoid exposing herself to the vagaries of others. Two sides of centre. Though they are cut and formed from pressed aluminium, and I bought them at a garage sale for only $4.00 each, both of them are me. If I combine them, will I be centred? Or is that something else?

About marilynmeden

Sometimes I feel 25, sometimes 35, occasionally 50, but rarely 77. To life!
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2 Responses to One Bird

  1. lisa says:

    Sometimes you are one, sometimes the other depending on the look of the world outside. Some days it’s just good to be under the roof and other days the world beckons. lisa

  2. Leina says:

    Hm, I suppose I do have both birds in me too.

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